sun-1 phone-call



The hotel restaurant Anteros provides services both to our guests and the tourism region. The restaurant intends to actively operate in every season with a winter garden, underfloor heating systems, and air-conditioning units. Providing an à la carte menu with its open show kitchen, Anteros Restaurant is also equipped with a prep kitchen to offer banquets. We offer a rich menu blending the local flavor and an exquisite selection of the world cuisine to appeal everyone’s taste. The 24/7 room service, pool bard and the Anteros Restaurant which is located at the heart of the hotel is ready to meet your expectations. The Menu of our restaurant is completed with an elegant kav menu for you to have a unique experience. Anteros Restaurant provides healthy food by keeping the products always fresh with cold rooms as well as to assume an environmentalist mission by separating oil wastes of the kitchen with a grease retainer system.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus tortor felis, auctor eget aliquet id, congue vitae tortor. Sed laoreet feugiat velit vel rhoncus. Proin neque lacus, volutpat non tristique ut, eleifend et mi. Sed tempor ultrices mi, et faucibus sem mollis nec. Proin consectetur justo nec lorem venenatis, quis volutpat sapien commodo. Donec turpis dolor, luctus nec velit sit amet, imperdiet aliquam ligula. Nunc non neque purus. Donec elit nisl, mattis in nulla ut, pharetra pharetra nibh. Morbi fermentum urna nulla.

In ultrices eros id sollicitudin condimentum. In ac odio risus. Phasellus molestie lorem id lorem molestie maximus. Ut hendrerit metus nunc, ac congue erat eleifend tristique. In eu aliquam tellus, sed convallis nulla. Fusce vel tincidunt ipsum, vitae rutrum nisi. Maecenas laoreet lacinia magna sed ultricies. Integer in nisl ornare, maximus nisl at, tempus diam. Duis semper sed ligula lacinia pulvinar.

Vestibulum sed imperdiet ante, sit amet egestas eros. Duis eget ornare lacus, vitae placerat libero. Pellentesque et nibh tempor, auctor nunc non, gravida felis. Duis imperdiet nec quam vel sollicitudin. Pellentesque viverra diam eu turpis vestibulum vehicula. Quisque volutpat posuere nisl at commodo. Quisque convallis efficitur nulla eget scelerisque. Morbi facilisis suscipit nulla. Donec malesuada risus tempus magna ornare, sit amet sollicitudin velit luctus.